About us

Discover the magic of thoughtful gifting with House of Nash Kenya. Dive into our online treasure trove filled with one-of-a-kind gifts perfect for every occasion. Celebrate moments big and small with gifts that tell a story and touch the heart. Shop now and make your next present unforgettable with House of Nash Kenya.  

At the House Of Nash, we are more than just a collective; we are a community of incredible women who breathe life into art. Uniting women from every corner of Kenya, we celebrate those who have transformed their passion for art and craft into unparalleled masterpieces. From the meticulous hands of women weavers, the visionary sketches of fashion designers, to the age-old traditions of potters, every piece we showcase tells a story of dedication, talent, and the Kenyan spirit. We take immense pride in embracing and promoting artistic crafts by Kenyan women, affirming that creativity knows no bounds. Welcome to House Of Nash – where artistry meets sisterhood.